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Q: Do all the fire sprinkler heads go off at once?

A: Individual heads are sensitive to excessive heat only. When a head reaches 155 degrees, it opens to discharge water. Smoke will not set off a sprinkler head.

Q: How many heads typically go off in a fire?

A: 95% of all residential fires are put out by one or two heads.

Q: Won\'t my insurance go up if I have fire sprinklers?

A: While not many insurance companies are offering discounts for fire sprinklers, which is sure to change in the future, you will not have to pay extra for insurance with fire sprinklers.

Q: Aren\'t the sprinkler heads ugly and stick way down from the ceiling?

A: Today\'s residential sprinkler heads are typically a flat plate, concealed type. All you will see from the room is a white, round metal plate, approximately 2-1/2" in diameter. These plates can also be factory painted to match the ceiling color.

Q: Will I need a bigger water meter for fire sprinklers?

A: It is true that a fire sprinkler system may need a bigger water meter than just domestic use. Typically it is necessary to upsize to a 1" water meter to get the required flows. Many jurisdictions however, are waiving the extra fees for upsizing, as long as it is just for fire sprinklers.

Q: Can I retrofit my exiting house with fire sprinklers?

A: It is certainly possible to retrofit most houses, but there are added complications. Attic spaces make the installation simpler, but exposed piping, or removal of sheet rock may be necessary where there is no attic. If it is impractical to upsize a water meter or service line, a self contained water tank and pump is a viable option.



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